Wednesday, October 23, 2013


いくつか 試験 ので。わたしわ最近(さいきんrecently) 一生懸命勉強する(studying hard)

Watson Library

         Columbia だいがくのとしょかんわとてもいいです。Butlerとしょかんわおおきいがさむいです。   Watsonとしょかんわにぎやかじゃありません。Kentのわふるいかきれいです。



Monday, October 7, 2013


私わせんしゅうのにちようび、Huiwenさんと地下鉄で(ちかてつ)'Meet the Breeds' へいきました。多くのねこといぬみました。かわいですね!

        (これわ Shar Pei です)

(これわ Bichon Frisé です)


(I want to have a cat.)
exotic shorthair わだいすきです。しごとののちにひとつおかいます。 
(I like exotic shorthair most and will get one after I start to work.)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why I choose to learn Japanese

When I was about 5 years old, I watched a Japanese teleplay called ひとつ屋根の下。I still remember that I really admired the actress in that teleplay whose name is Noriko Sakai and watched several teleplay in which she was the leading actor.  It's the first time that I get to know about Japanese culture. 

Later, our local broadcasting corp imported many Japanese cartoons. For example, 名探偵コナン,美少女戦士セーラームーン,etc. They filled much of my leisure time. The more I watch, the more I am curious about Japan. 

My family took a three week travel to Japan five years ago. We are all surprised at the tidy environment and politeness of people there. I tried to purchase some gifts for my friend at a department store and had some problems with the goods. A shop assistant came to me to see if he can help. After figuring out that I am a foreigner, he found some other shop assistants in other floors who can speak English to help. Finally, I got a perfect present. I really appreciate their help and they even apologize to me about not being able to provide a best service due to language reason.

After this trip, the idea of learning Japanese came to my mind. I am fascinated about not only their culture but also their spirit. I wish I could have the opportunity to go there again after I am able to communicate in Japanese. That's why I want to learn it.