Tuesday, February 18, 2014

About Communication

1. What do you expect to learn from the podcast project? (List as many as you can.)
  • The podcast project provides us more exposure to Japanese language environment. We can have more opportunities to apply the grammars and vocabularies that we've learned in class to real world activities. We may also do some self learning in Japanese in order to elaborate the content of of podcast,  since what we learn in class is limited. 
  • Due to the fact that our group's podcast project is related to Japanese culture, we can get a flavor of it as we do the project. We will explore some Japanese elements in NYC. Also, we will provide some thoughts and analysis on how Japanese culture localized to American culture and why it changes in those ways.
  • Our group project enables the team members to have opportunities to hang out and have fun.
2.What does "communication" mean to you?
   I didn't realize the importance of communication before I came to the States. As a foreigner in a second language environment, I realize that communication is vital and exists everywhere in my life. It helps me to understand the courses and do group projects with other students. Also, I communicate with other people in daily life to get accustomed to the new living environment. To some extent, a good communication means efficiency to me.

Monday, February 10, 2014


六年前に初めて宇多田さんの歌をききました。あの歌のなまえは Flavor of love です。
そしてもう Flavor of love はドラマ<花より男子>のBGM(background music) です。
宇多田さんもコロンビア大学の学生です。でもshe was here for only one semester.

 宇多田さんはニューヨークで生まれました。(She was born in New York)
宇多田さんはいろいろ素晴らしい(great) 音楽 (music)があります。
たどえば First Love, Prisoner of Love, Automatic, etc.

宇多田ヒカル - Flavor Of Life -Ballad Version-

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


